Welcome to the Chisago Lakes Freemasons!

The Freemasons is the world’s oldest and largest fraternal organization. Its origins and founders are unknown, but it has appeared in literature as far back in history as the thirteenth century. Its membership through the centuries has included some of the most famous as well as totally forgotten. Hiram Lodge #287 in Lindstrom, MN was chartered in 1916. Twenty-five of the leaders in the community who had joined lodges elsewhere met together and applied for a charter for a new lodge and were granted that charter as part of the Grand Lodge of Mason Minnesota.
Over the years that followed, the membership grew to nearly 200 members. The membership at that time, like the historical lodges down through the ages, consisted of men from every walk of life from professionals to farmers who met as equals for the purpose of the betterment of the community and the improvement of their own characters. Hiram Lodge has served the Chisago Lakes area for 116 years.
Charitable efforts have included support for diabetic children in schools, fund raising for the local food shelf, activities at the summer celebration of Karl Oskar Days, financial support through scholarships for graduating seniors, donation of teddy bears for the police to carry in their patrol cars for children in need of comfort, and many other relief efforts for those in need of assistance. They also organize many community events. Men of all walks of life are welcomed into membership every year. Contact information can be found on this website and we look forward to hearing from any man desirous of serving the community and improving his life through the lessons taught in Freemasonry.
Hiram lodge #287 hosts our monthly stated meeting on the first Tuesday of every month.
Dinner is hosted at 6:00 pm with the meeting to follow at 7:00 pm.
Fellow brethren planning to visit Hiram lodge for a meeting reach out to our secretary at: